Been looking for a commercial source for grass shrimp for a while with no luck, so I've been pushing my pal Jason to collect and ship shrimp. We connected last night and he may give it a try this Spring, if I agree to help him ship. He is asking $.50/ea with minimum $250 order plus shipping. When I used to help collect Pond Boss Forum orders over 2500 Fattig dropped the price from $.50/ea. to $.35 or $.25/ea [I don't recall], so this pricing isn't too bad in comparison. He's not a fishery guy and lacks the time/expertise to do this, so I think it's got to be worth his while to learn. I'm willing to help teach him and assist these shipments if my time allows - still not a done deal by any means. With Football coaching and pond/fishery management projects looming this Spring I don't want to invest more time into pushing this if there's no interest, so feel free to PM me and if warranted I'll keep encouraging him the best I can to move forward.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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