Select areas of rip-rap around the pond sounds feasible, I know where I can source material around here for free... How small can these areas be and still be effective?

Current pond conditions are as follows:

-tilapia ended up really diminishing chara density (I haven't spotted any in months)

-fish are still eating, especially with the relatively warm temperatures right now

-water visibility is only about 12 inches right now (I'm assuming because of the lack of vegetation to hold sediment in place) and depth is right at 10 ft.

-fish condition is okay, not excellent.

As far as top tier predators go, I'm considering adding larger LMB than the ones I did back in September that were about 3 inches long. As was warned against in this thread, I'm afraid a majority of them either fell to predation or died due to stress.

How many 6-8 inch bass (from Overton Fisheries) should/could be added and could they be added before the start of this spring?

Sorry for the length of the post, but thanks for the consideration.