i am no taxonomist but i believe i see some nile and possibly blue genetics in a lot of the Mozambique tilapia i buy here in texas. I have always wondered where the line is drawn in the case of only mozambiques are legal but i like the white color that i sometimes see and breed for this color in my aquaponics. from my understanding pure 100% mozambique cannot be white?

I have had pond biologists in texas tell me that theres really no such thing as 100% pure strain mozamique tilapia because they have all been cross bread for so long.

i have also had pond biologists in texas tell me i cannot feed train crappie, so i do not necessarily blindly believe everything i am told even from professionals.. but i was hoping maybe todd could share his thoughts and experience on this?

Last edited by bcotton; 01/06/17 08:16 PM.