Our existing forage base comprises of a dwindling population of FH, GSH,YP,RES,LCS and unfortunately GSF. Also stocked cray fish and they have established quite well. We did stock grass shrimp, but not sure they survived with very little weedy structure. I haven't been able to confirm the LCS have really established either. Have found a couple dead LCS that appeared to have grown quite a bit since releasing them 2 1/2 yrs ago.

The SMB and HSB seem to be controlling the GSF quite well as of now. We first discovered them in early 2016 and have caught a hand full of larger ones. So far the young GSF seem to be getting hammered surprisingly well.

Yolk, I don't consider targeting big BG to be any inconvenience at all. In fact we really like to fish and that is one of the reasons we considered stocking BG. Although 3 1/2 ac is a lot of water to fish. Id probably invite a few friends to help out as well if needed. You have a very similar sized pond, so ill ask how much fishing does it really take to control the BG with SMB and HSB as the only predators?

With the presence of the GSF what would happen if BG were added to the mix?

How would adding BG affect the existence of the unwanted GSF?