Esshup I'm going to go with hybrids on all three.

I have a number of times caught a fish in my old pond and said "that is a GSF" only to catch a real honest to goodness GSF right after and then say "nope, that last one was a hybrid". Those first two may look like GSF, but I do not think they are pure GSF. A pure GSF will almost have the body shape of a LMB and a mouth to match. If you look at the mouth closed on a GSF it will come back fully to the front of the eye or a little better. I don't think the mouth is quite big enough in his fish.

USGS green sunfish

I would not argue the point too hard though because I could be wrong (and have been many times laugh )

I thought of the same thing as you did Esshup on putting an "L" and running a pipe up to the surface. Putting anoxic well water out into anoxic pond bottom water doesn't seem like the best thing to do. But I also thought as an alternative after installing the "L" he could run a flexible pipe up the slope of the bank to the pond edge. There he could make a pile of rocks and create a waterfall over the rocks. By installing a "T" and valve a foot or two under water, in the winter he could open the valve to let the water come out under any freezing to keep from freezing the waterfall pipe up and plugging the system. The "T" might even be situated so it shot up to open a hole in the ice.

Just some ideas to consider.

Last edited by snrub; 09/04/16 10:42 AM.


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