That sounds like a plan to me John. Funny in my pond it is the opposite. The CC are lucky to get any and if they show up to the party late, they don't.

That may have to do with a couple of things though. First we have fished out a LOT of our CC. I don't know if it is just the hot weather we are not seeing them as much as we were this spring, or if we are actually getting the numbers fished down so there are not as many, but I just do not see the numbers of CC feeding that I used to. The other thing I do differently than many is I feed from the 4-wheeler. I drive in low gear while I toss the feed out with my left hand. I do this around the entire circumference of the pond. This tends to spread the feed out over a wide area rather than a large amount of feed in one area. So the thrown feed tends to only last a minute or two before it is gone. If it lasts longer than that in hot weather I cut the next feeding down some.

So I think spreading the feed out so much gives the BG an advantage because of their quickness and the fact that they seem to hug the shore line more so are often closer to the feed to begin with. My CC are in the 2-3# range and I do not care for them to get much larger anyway so I do not really care if they do not get much feed. Have been trying to fish them out of the pond (already catching several 5-6" fingerlings so we have had CC reproduction) but since hot weather they are not biting like they were earlier in the year.


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