Originally Posted By: Bill D.
Originally Posted By: Fish Food

You hit the key words. Its a balance between excellent growth and excess stored fat shortening the life of the fish.

Lets look at this in terms of goals.

Trophy Bluegill Pond
Here you need to limit excess energy (fat an starch) in your feed so they will have the best chance to grow to their maximum size.

Ideal Diet - 40% Protein 6% F 20% Starch

Trophy LMB Pond
In this case there is no need in limiting energy. Its simply more likely the bluegill will burn out faster. Excess fat leads to larger spawns also.

Ideal Diet - 40% Protein 6% F 35% Starch

Feed the Family Pond
The more energy the better!

Ideal Diet - 40% Protein 6% F 35% Starch

Do you like this approach better?

Interesting discussion. The example you provide is for BG in three different scenarios, correct? I find it interesting that your hypothetical diets hold lipids at 6%. I would expect to see maybe twice that.

On a different note, I have always wondered how manufactured food stacks up against natural forage. For example, we know LMB love to eat trout and grow exceptionally well on that diet. Obviously, pellets require less energy to catch. Have you run across any info in your studies that breaks down different natural forages into the categories of protein, fat and starch?

Its all about the energy source. Starch is cheaper than fat. However fat is much more palatable. Fat has roughly 2.25 times as much energy as starch.

The feed the family diet could be for various species.

I have done a little on bluegill and shad. I will see if I can find what little I have.

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