The paint is for???

Those pools are going to be a bit more work than anticipated. Gonna have to build an elevated platform and am working out the details for a center drain with some stuff I have here. Yeah, sucking it from the center bottom, up and over the side walls will cause problems I do not want to encounter. Mainly, the centrifugal pumps will macerate the solids so bad that I'll end up with a massive TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) issue in short order. I thought about getting a gentler pump, but that is just going to cost a pile more and won't really negate the issue very long. Eventually the pumps will have to be cleaned and I want to take all of the advantages of running the pumps from my PF drives in SVC mode.

I hope you're flying MI, because I just ordered a new Amprobe meter yesterday, FedEx delivery, and I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning wink My older, but nice one came up missing while working at a customers, but this new one is Super Sweet!! I may just brag about it laugh wink