case you are wondering how to get some great protein for your pond and also great bait for kids to use...I have found a very cheap way to grow 1000's of meal worms....on accident.

So here is what you will need if you want to do it on purpose... smile

50lb bag of DuMOR Poultry Layer Crumble Feed - $12.99 at tractor supply.
Some Rain
Texas Heat..(You may try your own state's heat too) (Temps have been in the 80's and sunny and 60/70's in the evenings for the past 2 weeks)

Leave bag of crumble feed next to chicken coup outside for 2 weeks during a big rain (if you live in Texas you may need to add your own rain from the faucet - 4 cup fulls at least)...leave bag partially the gets wet, it will begin to ferment. This process will attract apparently lots of beetles..they will lay eggs in about a week or 2 and then you will get larve..a lot of larvae....1000's...

I think this is week 3 with it out there and there are probably 5000-10,000 meal worms or some kind of huge maggot wriggling around in the bag... I use a small scoop to get them out and each scoop probably pulls out 50-100 worms..(1/2- 1 inch worms.)
Way better protein for my chickens and now live bait for the fish.

ALL FOR 12.99!!!

So..I have been taking scoop fulls and throwing them in the pond..the crumble feeds the minnows and the mealworms are feeding the bass and panfish... best forgetful mistake I have made.

I don't know how long it takes for the larvae to pupate (I think 2 -3 weeks) but you may think about removing, bagging and freezing keep them longer...before they turn into beetles...just a thought.

If it's hard to find good bait near your pond this may be a great alternative to nightcrawlers.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by 3z3k3l; 10/28/15 02:24 PM.