TB, I use to raise worms. I used an old military clothes locker. Mix peat moss and topsoil about 50/50. I assume you are talking about red worms. Put a bunch of worms in the dirt mix. I fed corn meal. Sprinkle it on top of the dirt but don't overdo it. Corn meal makes a dandy starter for a compost pile which will get you some fried worms. Put newspapers over the whole thing and keep the whole mess moist. Don't drown the worms or they will leave. The worms will eat anything including the newspaper. The slick paper will not break down but the regular newsprint will. I wouldn't put kitchen garbage in the dirt like a lot of people say you can. Back in the earthworm scam days the advertisers said "Let a worm be your garbage disposal". That is a damn good way to raise a bumper crop of maggots. E-mail me if you want any further info.
