Originally Posted By: Rainman
Originally Posted By: SetterGuy
I tried the garden hose it drooped straight down both sides of the 4" conduit. Now it was in full sunlight, but the temps were in the 60s. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and actually spend $ on some stiff plastic tubing to add on.

The 1/2" and 3/4" black Poly tubing is dirt cheap! Do yourself a favor and also spend the $5-$10 on a PVC tubing razor cutter like this Poly/PVC Cutter

Also, expanding foam will make the garden hose float straight up unless you fill the ENTIRE hose to the base and shape the hose while you let the foam set up.

Those tubing cutters are great on new pipe, but if a person is using old re-purposed pipe it gets brittle and breaks. My cutting tool of choice for all sizes of plastic tubing for projects like this is a 18 volt battery powered 5" circular saw. Quick and dirty. On larger stuff greater in size than the blade will cut through just rotate the pipe as it is cutting. Probably not an osha approved use of a circular saw but if done with some caution and common sense (which is so uncommon) it works fast and well. Just cut it like you would a 2x4 board.

Had not thought of using expanding foam - good idea.

Last edited by snrub; 10/13/15 07:19 AM.


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