Well we did it again this year!!

This time we set up Tilapitopia in our barn This version is a bit more advanced. We built an 8' by 8' by 6' "room" in the barn and added extra insulation and vapor barriers. There is solar power available for air pumps, lights, as well as water heaters. There is grid power being used as well to run a larger air pump and one extra light.

The setup uses two IBCs for the habitat areas ( I know round would be better, but they are what we had), three 55 gal. blue barrels for a poo collection tank, bio reactive tank, and water heating tank. The water is moved with gravity and air lift. If grid power goes down, we should be just fine on the two little air pumps and a single light.

Here is a little video showing the setup.

So far we have run into just a few issues and solved them using last years' experiences. We have seeded the system with a few Tilapia earlier today and will be checking the water chemistry often.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%