Suggestion for your one-third acre pond: With water temperatures so high and dissolved oxygen a real issue this time of year, could you remove some of the vegetation through mechanical or physical means?

See the pages of Pond Boss for the weed rake. Goofy little thing works.

Another idea: Get a thick rope, toss it into the water and pull it through to the shoreline. The belly of the "C" should fill with vegetation. Pull it to the bank and watch it rot in the sun.

Idea 3: Take a small gate to a chain-link fence and tie a rope to it. Chunk the gate into an infested area. Use the gate to pull the gate from the water.

I recommend you do this between now and the start of the next growing season. Next spring, get ahead of the weeds by starting in March with physical control methods, a dose of herbicides and/or, as you mentioned, grass carp.

Buena suerte,
Mark McDonald
Editor, Pond Boss