I didn't know what a HSB looked like when I started all this back in June. I did some googling and do now...

It has been close to 20 years, but I used to catch LMB when I was stationed in NC. It was the vertical dark stripe on their tail that I used to recognize them when fishing for them. I have no idea how many other bass look the same while in the water (I don't think I have ever caught any bass other than LMB).

Anyhow, while watching this fish swim around, it swam off SE. Shortly after it disappeared I thought i saw another NE of me. Small pond, so until I see more than one at once, I won't know for sure...but if these are LMB it looks like i will be having LMB in my pond instead of HSB...


Last edited by Boburk; 09/03/15 10:38 PM.