Sosauty, this thread, and most all the discussion, had everything to do with ponds. I've said this before, I make guns. The atf and this president has done everything they can to make it very hard for me to make a living at the only profession specifically protected under the Bill of Rights. Now the epa wants in your ponds. Don't think they want in your pond? I don't remember many, if any, instances where our government has wanted to get smaller.

When the feds get into your ponds, you will sing the same tune as the fish suppliers sing and many of them feel government at the federal and State level make life miserable. How many private fish hatchery's we down to in Michigan now? Gee, wonder why? Two simple examples below that I hear complaints on from time to time.
-Harassed by police under the federal motor carrier act. Actually legal under the US Constitution but congress needs to make the laws, they cannot be "delegated" to unelected officials.
-Handicapped by migratory bird laws. Sounds great, pass an Amendment.

Some of you want the epa to actually be involved in your private waters. Some of your concerns are actually valid and do require some amount of regulation. The problem isn't that those in this camp have bad ideas on regulation, it's that the regulation is ILLEGAL under the US Constitution. Pass an Amendment to the Constitution and then regulate away. You won't have the votes though now will you. When you don't have the votes, you simply circumvent.

Our founders knew damn well that government likes to grow. Article 1 Section 8 is there for a reason and this is that reason. Where did the epa start from and what has it gotten to now? It started out as a noble cause to get us clean air and clean water, something everybody wants, right? Well we got this noble cause with an illegal formation of a federal agency. We are now at the point where the epa wants to regulate your pond, ditches that hold water for particular amounts of time... it will NOT end. There will be a time when the water from your well tap is metered. We already have laws on how much water a toilet can use.

I could go on but let's get back to chickens. For Pete's sake we don't want to have a spirited discussion and point out law breakers, crooks, and mental midgets of the federal government.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.