How far will a Texas Hunter feeder sling 1/8 inch pellets? My tripod deer feeder is working great except it still sends too much food toward the shore. My cnbg feed so heavy they push the feed to the bank and then only minnows get to it. Also I am seeing food collecting on the shore and it is starting to smell like soured grain. I don't think that is healthy for the pond. Probably too much fertilizer. In actual feet does anyone know how far a TH will throw? Any suggestions to solve my problem? I had a shield on the feeder but it tryed to jam up.I used to use a 12 feeding circle out of pvc but I think that is way too small for my fish now. Most are 4-6 inch in length.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.