If you have a tractor mounted bush hog style mower you can back the tractor close to the water, let the 3pt down where just the rear of the mower touches the water and the blades just touch the water. Operate the pto at mid to slow speed, enough so the blades do not flex all the time but still move the water.

It takes some playing with the speed of operation, the depth of the machine in the water, but a 3pt mower can act as an emergency aeration device. Set it so the throw of the blades cause a circulation of water in the pond. This will bring new water to the surface for the surface to air interface to allow DO to increase in the water.

Make sure the parking brake works and chock the wheels. If the tractor rolls into the pond it will be a bad deal. Make sure tractor does not over heat. Watch it.

Short term emergency solution only.

Commercial fish farms have pto aerators specifically for emergency aeration use.

Last edited by snrub; 06/17/15 07:38 PM.


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