Well, we just got picked up for a second season of Lake Life and will start filming again July-December. The ratings have actually been really good and we've already moved up into the networks top shows list! Vanilla Ice and some hot chick who teamed up with Lebron James home remodel are still ahead of us....

Anyhow, our production company is currently casting for lake/pond front projects for upcoming episodes of the show. This would be your chance to pull of that hairbrained off the wall creatively enginuitive water front creation you have been dreaming about... there really are no guidelines or even certain types of projects that fit the mold... basically if you watch the first season, every episode is completely different... We are looking for off the wall and out of the ordinary (no offense, but most of you guys and what you do are just that)

I would love the opportunity to work with you guys, just simply pitch your ideas to casting.lakelife@gmail.com the more detail you have the better. send any applicable pics and also include any storylines about the inspiration for the project as well.

if you don't have DIY network, you can actually watch the episodes on Amazon.com under Lake Life to get a feel for the type of show it is. Its a design/build show but with more real family life mixed.

please share with your friends and clients as well. Im hoping to get to do some more episodes down south this fall/winter and knock out all the northern projects this summer...
