Originally Posted By: sprkplug
Appreciate that Tim, but no need to move. Zoning came to me, right where I'm at. A little at a time, things are improving.

And that will be the beginning of the end. Once zoning starts, things will seem better. Then you'll need a permit for a chicken coup, then you'll have to have your grass a certain length, then you'll not be able to sell your used car if there's no license plate on it, then they'll want your no trespassing sign to comply with a sign ordinance, then they'll tell you that the adirondack chair outside must be proven to be rated as outdoor furniture, then they'll tell you how many acres of land you have to have in order to have a rabbit...

Once you cross that threshold to zoning, it is very hard to stop local ordinance rules. You can always find 51% of the people who agree that they don't want what the other 49% are doing. Enjoy.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.