I have an oxygen aerater with a 2HP pump. There are no fields with poisons that I know of and no cows nearby.

The tiny minnow fish seem to be fine. I took out some of the fish that were slightly moving and put them in a little kiddie pool with fresh water and a pump. After a while, 3 or 4 started swimming and I threw those back into the pond.

Based on that, I guess y'all are right on about the oxygen. The doctor at the local fishery diagnostic lab said it might be a gill parasite or something, but I wasn't able to make the drive all the way there with the fish to have them tested.

I hadn't noticed any problems with the aerator but I had my brother come over and take a look at it just in case. He said it's fine, but I've turned it on to work non-stop now. It was on an automated control before. Maybe the control's not working properly? That's our best guess at this point. I'm just keeping a really close eye on it.

Do ya'll know of any way I can test my pond water or somewhere I can send it to get it tested? Just in case there is something bad in the water (that might also seep into the water table), I'd like to get it checked out.

Thanks again!