Loaded question right? Here's some info:

Pond goal - large panfish (seeds, redbreast, BG and YP)

Currently removing:

SMB: over 18" (they're just getting there this year - will adjust if needed)
BG: between 6-9" and any female regardless of size.
PSeeds and Redbreast: tossing them all back
YP: Don't know. I just want the big ones for purposes of variety of catch and eating.

I stocked 20 YP last year ranging in sizes from 6" up to 13"
I'm not sure if I should remove some this year or wait until next. Pond is 1/4 acre and doesn't have a ton of underwater spawning area's for the YP. In total it has 5 or 6 christmas tree's. There are some rock piles that I put out, but from what I'm reading, YP wont utilize those.

Any suggestions? Need more info? Let me know