Never once have I felt unsafe on my own property--even when it was in the middle of meth central. Things have cleaned up considerably over the years, thankfully. However, I'm usually packing for a different reason. I market farm and have 60 fruit trees, thousands of assorted berries, and a 5 acre vegetable plot. Of course, there's the pond to protect. Usually, I just scare things off but will shoot to kill if necessary. I love snakes and encourage them on my property with the exception of water snakes. Sometimes their numbers get a little high, and they simply take more fish than I'm comfortable with. The same holds true when I have to protect certain crops or just lose them to predation. For instance, a neighbor and I eliminated 38 'coons in a 100 yd stretch over 2 weeks. That is extreme overpopulation. They are often diseased and cause extensive damage to practically everything. I also protect my bluebirds, tree swallows, and assorted woodpeckers from invasives. I encourage people to enjoy my property as much as I do--as long as they respect both the land and my wishes. Some folks are so overprotective they invite more trouble than they prevent.