Thanks, Tim. I definately plan on reading up on as much as I can and I have placed Pondboss on my Christmas list as more more refernce source to get my education. And,I don't mean to exclude anyone who wants to respond to me who sells windmills or herbacides by saying no salesman-ytpe responses. I WANT those folks to guide me and convince me on the proper course of actions to take. So, please Mr. Cody and Mr. Duffie, let me know what to do. My other probelem here in Erie, Pa. is that we have NO pond biolgists or other pond-related experts to go to like you have in the south and other great parts of the country. So Tim,I HAVE to rely on what I read and what I get in response to appeals such as this. So, I continue to ask out there, "Can anyone tell me 1) whether a windmill aerator will be worth the investment (as I don't have the "juice" to do otherwise), 2) is Aquashade a good method to go with to stop the weeds (coontail, milfoin, pondweed) from growing next spring and not hurt my fish or fishing, and 3)what are my step by steps to follow to get my pond cleaned up from weeds and any more muck. More replies, PLEASE. Thanks so much. I'm lost. P.S. to Tim: Thank you again for responding.