I got a lot of bugs to. I asked the guy who I got my worms from and there is a pestiside that is safe to use but I never wrote it down. I actually just culled my worms today. Taking all the big ones in one bin and baby worms in the other, then added a little new peat. I almost went with the red wigglers but these eropean night crawlers are really good. There kinda like the red wiggler but bigger and a much stonger hide. I may call the guy tomarrow because I cant leave my worms out either, there goos down to 40 ish but it get a little colder in mid winter here. I have to get rid of the bugs. One thing I do know is he told me to bury the scraps or I will get fruit flys, I bury it but I still get them, maybe from the bannana peals.
