I feel everyone here is trying to be sure you consider having the pond bottom compacted with a sheep-foot roller. I will tell you when I had mine built it took me about two + months of every day running over the bottom and side of my pond to get it compacted (Tractor tires) and I am just lucky it did not leak. Good clay, with several lifts, compacted with each lift, will give you the best chance to not have a leak, IMHO and as a novice pond guy.

Without a quality dam core you will have trouble most likely sooner than later. A quality built pond is a great time and enjoyable. A leaking pond for many reasons is a hole with water in it sometimes!, a headache, and offers many challenges.

It could be a big headache if you fill and find a leak, then have to drain, dry out and rework the pond. Many here say over and over do it right the first time. There are many reasons the pros here can tell you about why and how to do it right, it will be cheaper in the long run.

Good luck and post us a lot of pictures, if you can. It is a real treat to watch from beginning to the end. You will be glad you have the pics in the future anyway!!

Life is more fun with a pole in your hand.