Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Interesting but badly dated article/experiment. Only 5 pairs per acre.

I found it interesting that the pond with the fewest number of pairs had the greatest reproduction. Hard to read anything into that with such a small sample, but still interesting that so few fish, absent other predators, can reproduce so much. The thought occurred to me that fewer pairs could have actually reduced the predation on the fry compared to more pairs in the pond.

I have my mini forage pond with only RES and FHM in it. It would be interesting if I put one or two female GSF in it next spring during spawn when I could for sure identify the female GSF. I certainly have a supply of them available.

I thought with the RES being such a nice fish but relatively hard to catch, adding the aggressiveness of the GSF might make a good combination. Might be easier to catch and take to pellet feed well.

On the other hand, the RES having the reputation for meanness RES unknown facts , and the aggressiveness eek of the GSF, a person might need to wear protective gear to fish for them. The old TV commercial "It's not nice to fool mother nature!" comes to mind.


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