Update as of 4-23-06 on pond 2 (16a). This has turned into a year long temp. survey :

Sur 77
1ft 76
2ft 75
3ft 74
4ft 73
5ft 72-73
6ft 71-72
7ft 69-70
8ft 67
9ft 64
10ft 62-63
11ft 61
12ft 57-58
13ft 56-57
14ft 56-57
15ft 55
16ft 54
17ft 54-55
18ft 54
btm 53-54

You would know that when I left the sample bottle at home the IR plankton were back at about 14 ft to 16 ft. Bill I will get a sample. A big warm up since a mth ago 3-25-06. Visa has dropped from 48in. + last week to 34in. today.