Originally Posted By: cshankles
Question: what's the major difference between LMB and SMB? I know LMB fingerlings are easier to get, but would there be a major difference in their food or basic needs? Or their attitude about humans swimming in their living space? Also, if I stock FHM and GHS this fall, how many should I put in along with the 30-40 RES?

Fecundity and appetite are the two main differences. LMB reproduce at a much higher rate than SMB, largely because they aren't near as picky about where and on what they spawn on. While all fish will eat whatever they can fit into their mouths, LMB are notorious gluttons and because their mouths are large, they can dent up a forage base pretty good. LMB pretty much require bluegill as their primary food source, while SMB cannot usually keep up with bluegill reproduction to keep their numbers in check. FHM will be a good start, but will eventually go extinct in the presence of SMB. GSH and RES are generally good additions for them. Another difference is habitat. SMB prefer rocky habitat, higher oxygen, and possibly deeper water than LMB. Neither species will bother swimming humans.