Thanks for the input. I can't really measure the amount of sediment entering the pond. I have not owned it long enough and don't have any basis other than it has, since built, been cleaned once and partially once. It is too shallow now for for safe fish life from what I understand so I need to do something as I did partially stock it. I did put up some fencing between trees and pinched it with rip rap at the mouth of the creek. Then I built a bridge with a 24" pipe covered in 2's with each side rip rap'd. Those should both help. Now for the low area I was going to fill with dirt. I may dig that down about 8-10 feet and make it about 25' around. That will make the creek dead end into it before making its way to the pond. I may also put another rip rap dam in right after it leaves the new sediment pond. And as LS said, that would be a great place to raise FHM for the other fish. I could manually move them or see them pushed in when we have the big rains. Always something to work on. I hope by adding this new area and deepening another portion of the pond it might help me with the algae growth as well. Thanks