Now I ain't jerkin anyones chain and maybe some others know of this. Years ago a fella showed me a newspaper article(pre puter days) about a couple up in Michigan that when they found fresh ones would shade them with an umbrella type cover and water them heavily twice a day. They could grow them as big as Cecils YP, seriously, 12-14"s.Yes there were pictures. (pre photo shop)
Several yrs ago I was out and hit on a bunch of big yellows, 2 lbs. My daughter had moved to Nashville several yrs before and was bummed that they couldn't find any around there. I packed them yellows up and sent em overnight UPS(costs 28 bucks). Got a call the next dat and when I said hello, I heard "hows the coolest pop in the world"? Dang if that didn't puff my skinny ol chest up.
We should thank the good Lord for every blessings we get everyday.

Do nature a favor, spay/neuter your pets and any weird friends or relatives.