Hey All,
I am new here and this is my first post (Sorry it will be long). I have done a bunch of reading over the last few days on this site and am impressed by the helpfulness of people here.

I am trying to get my system set up well but will give a bit of background.

My wife and I purchased our home 3 years ago now. The pond of the property is about a 1/4 acre maybe a tad more. Oval in shape (Approx 60'x180'). It's about 7' deep on one end and about 12' on the other.

There was an aeration system when we got here. The compressor is at the house under an roofed deck with about a 300' run to the pond with 1.25" black poly pipe run underground to the pond running to one stone type stick diffuser in the deepest part of the pond.

The pump was old and loud so we didn't run it this past year and had a significant amount of weed growth over last summer and a significant fish kill this winter.

I just purchased a rebuilt compressor from a local source (Thomas 2650) and a cheap ring diffuser just to get me going again. I split the line down at the pond so I could run the old and new diffuser on both ends of the pond.

Since reading on here I am convinced I need a check valve, pressure gauge, and relief valve. I will also be purchasing a vertex diffuser from ForeverGreen as these seem to be the best. I am hoping I can use my current compressor and somehow put the check valve, pressure gauge, and relief valve on it.

Any suggestion are appreciated on how to go about this. I would like not to have to run another line from the compressor to the pond and am hoping splitting it at the pond is ok.

Currently I size up to the 1.25" about 6' from the compressor and then down to 3/8" split at the pond. At the pond there is 3/8" weighted line running 25' out on the deep side of the pond (12" deep) and about 70' of 3/8" at the split running along the shore to the shallow side and the 25' of weighted out to the 7' depth.

All suggestions are appreciated. And Thanks ahead of time.