Here are three cons regarding cat tails.

1.) It does not always grow in water up to only a couple of feet deep. I have had it grow in water up to 6 feet deep. I had to erradicate it in one of my ponds as it was taking over.

2.) How will you fish the pond if it is bordered by high cat tails? I had this problem to and it was quite annoying trying to fish around them. However if you plan to slip in and out via boat that could be different.

3.) Cat tails produce alot of deomposing material in the fall when they die. They will eventuall fill in a pond.

I would post the hell out of the property and threaten treapassers with at gunpoint if the cops don't take you seriously. Sometimes people listen when they are staring down the barrel of a gun.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.