We are making progress, but not without some headaches. I knew way-back-when that I really did not want to do the drywall taping for some 180 sheets, so we socked away some cash to pay a good taper. Well, we hired on a guy, but the relationship has become strained and we cut him loose about 1/2 way into the job. I'm not taking another chance for a subcontractor headache, so I'll just finish it myself.

The master bath has been fully completed for quite awhile. The adjoining master BR was not, so it was the first room (that has just been taped) to be primed and cleaned so we could move in. We carried all out stuff outta the shop area where have been living for the past couple of years and packed most all of it into the small'ish master BR. This then frees up the shop area for taping.

We are always grateful for passing milestones. Moving into the upstairs living area is a notable milestone for us. Yes, it is very cramped (for now), but it's progress.