Hi Mike,

If you click on the little house at the top of my post you will get my pond page and I have Zetts address where you can buy all kinds of plants and fish at a reasonable price. They have a nice cat. but they aren't on the net. A yellow water iris goes for 50 cents. I'm sure it's illigle to dig them but I have seen many kinds of plants including iris's as I sail and kayak around different lakes.

Last year almost all of my lilies were cut off at the bottom of the stems and it wasn't until summer that they grew back. I decided that it was my grass carp and since I wasn't feeding them early last year they did the damage to my lilies. So early this spring I started feeding my fish as soon as the ice was off the pond and I didn't have this problem this year.

My pond picture is old but I have lilies circling my pond now. These lilies aren't mine but you can see how thick they can grow over time.
