Thanks, I'll remember to ask for those pictures when time comes. It seems like there is always more that I want to get done than there is time to do it.

I know what you mean about the desire to build something (ponds) that bring so much joy to the young'uns, and has the potential to do so for generations hence. My little pond has matured to the point that I'm very happy with maintaining it, and it is sort of a focal point when friends and family visit...especially the grandkids!

Right now the big pond is a source of awe in that it is a big hole in the ground. But, Lord willin', one day it'll be full and mature like the small pond. One thing that working ponds does is to teach patience, and cultivate hope. I think when others are part of the journey from beginning to that first catch, a great deal of the lessons we learn in building the pond are passed on. Keep up the pond building/renovations...I think you're making a great impact on this ol' world.