Time for crayfish habitat. When adding bricks as crayfish habitat, how big should the piles be, what shape, and in what depth of water? My pond usually stays within 1 foot of full pool, and our crayfish seem to be mostly the type that burrow and make "mini-volcanoes". Is it better to have many small piles (what size)distributed around the pond, or fewer large piles (what size and shape). Are there other "natural" materials besides rocks, that can be more easily placed as crayfish habitat? Are there any artificial crayfish habitats sold that are recommended and cost efficient? Will submerged and marginal plants work as well as rock or brick piles? I understand that there are probably not a lot of scientific studies comparing such things, but I sure welcome opinions based on your observations. This will hopefully be a SMB pond, and it has FHM, GS, RES, and YP in it from this years stocking in spring and fall.