Esshup, I can only assume that if money, and physical action is actually spent, that yes there would be some "ties that bind". I have noticed on googleearth, that there are many bodies of water, (in my area at least) When scrolling these bodies of water(including ponds) have a name that appears over them. While others, such as mine, which have not been built with tax dollars involved, have no name.

I am very uneasy of government involvement.

The laws are not written for the common man to be able to find and read, nor are they meant for the common man to interpret.

Many years ago, when a large amount of land went through the Federal Land Bank, the mineral rights were retained. Thus many people today, buy property, without knowing, the entity that owns the mineral rights have the legal power to start a gravel quarry in the back yard.

It gets pretty thick.

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer.