We finished the underwater portion of the beach area today. We cut the clay and designed it like a bath tub so when we add the sand, it won't want to slide down the slope as much. The sand stops around 6' below water level, then it drops down a foot, then slopes down to 10' before it drops to a 12' deep shelf and then down to 15-17' or so.

This is looking back the opposite way. You can see the beach area off to the right. We will be finishing the underwater peninsula that juts out to the center of the pond and another hidden one that is in between that and the beach area tomorrow.

1 Acre Pond with SMB, YP, LMB, GSF, RES, FHM, GSH, Papershell Crayfish, Pike
5.5 Acre Pond with LMB, BG

My Build Thread