Property rights do vary from state to state. Your lawyer may know what he is talking about but if he goes to court and loses he still get paid and he will probably encourage you to appeal and then you can pay him again. I know very little except what I do and that is buy and sell real estate which we have done for 38 years and has involved 70 properties but since I got sick we only have twenty some now. When the county runs underground sewer or water here they have to pay to do this. The going rate here is 5-10$ a square foot. They can do this but a private indivdual has no standing to force acesss for anything. I was just saying you may need to talk to a legal expert that does not have anything to gain by suing. We have bought a few properties that had a cloud on the title like yours does but I did not close on that property until we had removed the cloud. I do hope you the best of luck but you are still in a bad position here.

Two ponds, 13 and 15 acres on the Mattaponi River.