had a new pond constructed a year ago, it was built in sandy soil so it has a two foot clay liner. Due to drought, the pond did not fill before winter. with plenty of water this spring, the pond was within 15 inches of full but loses 1/4 inch per day. No big deal as a new pond has to saturate. The water has now dropped back to the pool dpth of last winter. It will come up after a rain but drops 1/4 inch per day, it doesnt gain any ground, so to speak, like it should.
I was thinking about why it drops back to the level it held over winter and have come up with a theory. I believe that the freeze thaw cycles through the winter has broken up the compacted liner where there was no standing water. I noticed this spring when the liner was dry around the edges that it was very loose to several inches at least, which is what led me to this theory.
My question is: does this seem to be a viable theory? The pond builder has denied that this is happening and does not believe that the liner he formed could in any way leak. He is a very capable pond builder and has dug hundreds of ponds. I am not questioning his work in any way. Can anyone offer suggestions?