What dosage of liquid copper would you recommend per gallon of water0? I do use Cutrine for treatment of these areas. I thought I was proactive early this year(mid-April) with some granular Cutrine treatments to areas where infestation were bad last year. Come June, BAM, there it was. In a matter of 3 days, it went from no surface mats to surface mats galore. I rake out as much as possible then I go back with the chemical. The spray gun I use is 2.5' long so I stick it down as far as possible, not putting my hand in the water.

The drought over the past 5 years, not including this year, has helped expand the range of Lyngbya because several of the lakes are used for irrigation. This time last year, our biggest lake was 1.5' and eventually made it to 2'. So this may have contributed to further expansion with more sunlight to the new shallows. The rain this year has helped to suppress the surface mats significantly, but it lurks still.

Much more to talk about, but time to go to work.

Ray, Swampin' in the Filaments