Originally Posted By: outdoorlivin247
About a year and a half ago I was having problems with a neighbor kid breaking into my back shop stealing beer...I have reported it several times and the cops did nothing...

Finally a train horn came in at work that had a 12 volt switch on it...Plumbed it up on the fridge..Not 10 minutes after my wife took this video he was in there...Ended up getting pictures on the trail cam a our local coroner saw him running from my garage...

They had like 7 judgement against him at the county court house..He ended up get 3 years...Kinda glad I didn't see where he went after I saw him run out the door...I was a little more than MAD!!!

The horn and cameras are probably a good idea.

About a year ago, near where I grew up, a fellow and his wife had been having their resort tavern burglarized regularly. They started staying in an apartment above the tavern, and put in some silent alarms. As the alarm went off one night, the owner went partway down the stairwell to see two individuals taking out cases of liquor. It was dark, and he ending up shooting and killing his nephew, and seriously wounding a neighbor boy. It was a very tragic case that tore the family and community apart.

There are no good answers.

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