Originally Posted By: vamaz
My brother and I would grab the binocs and climb up on the roof, which was easy, trying to spot a tornado. We were young then and were hoping to spot one.

Fortunately we never did.


I was handcuffed, detained, and nearly arrested for doing something like that when I was about 22 y.o. I was using a camera instead of binoculars.

I'd been in the Navy for a little more than a year when I was sent to an east coast government facility. Growing up on the shores of Lake Superior, I'd never experienced lightning storms like we have here in this area.

They had me living in a two story brick building on the facility grounds. I found access to the flat roof. The main building where we worked was like a lightning magnet. It was about a quarter mile away. I wanted pictures of the lightning hitting the building. I think it was about the third or fourth storm when security got me. They were convinced I was a spy. I finally convinced them I was just a simple mid-western farm kid -- but, they still took my film. I never went back up on the roof with a camera.


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