The best buzz I ever experienced was when visiting water gardens.

Perhaps it was the extra oxygen they put out on a hot sultry day when everywhere else is gasping for breath.

The feel of reflected light off water, convection currents, the sight and sense of diversity created in mineral rich clay waters, dragonflies clattering, toads gulping air, waterlily scents on the air...

Could be it was the experience of so many little things happening at the same time that reminds me what being alive can be

Since moving to North Carolina a couple of years ago, now there are 17 ponds around the house, what was ghastly Bermuda grass is being pecked away at daily, to create a little world surrounded by the best a water garden can muster

Some ponds are humble small affairs with a few waterlilies tossed in, others have become somewhere to swim, to keep koi, or to grow exotic tropical waterlilies.

Whatever they are, there's always some sort of surprise to find, whether it's as simple as a new lily or lotus bud, a hatchling turtle or just someplace exceptional to loaf on a dinghy when the waters are a cosey 85°f

Regards, andy