Okay, it has been a few weeks so I figured an update is in order:

First off, Diego's funeral pyre has dried out enough to "get er" going again, so my nephew and I lit it off using some "made for the job" help!! I new it was going well when NASA called and asked us if we had a new volcano!!

Here is what it looked like as we got started:

As the fire burned, we got busy collecting junk wood from the new beach area and added it to the pile.

Here is how the new beach area is looking:

And as I pan to the south, here is how it looks right by the cabin:

The rye grass is coming up very well and as I "drag" the place with my little tractor, the area is getting very passable. There is still a lot of sticks to pickup and toss in the fire, but there is a noticeable difference.

Of course I can not talk about the area clean up if I don't talk about Georgetopia. Well Georgetopia got some new residence yesterday. George and I took a little trip to Overton Fisheries and we picked up some really nice Tilapia. Georgetopia got five pounds to get a head start on the Tilapia love machine so that when we get some CB LMB later this year, I should have a lot of food waiting for them to grow out on all summer long. Also, I added several pallets for the FHMs to call home.

Okay, so what else have we been doing, well I noticed FA coming back, so I needed to devise a good plan to get this under control.

Turns out that the trip to Todd's would be two fold. I got Tilapia last year from Todd and they took care of the FA very quickly, so why mess with success, I got Tilapia again this year. Here is how the FA looked yesterday.

So I got my boxes of Tilapia and headed to the waters edge.

Anyone who has been following our progress will note that the water is now over the old trail to the dam area, and I could not be happier!! As the pond fills, I am constantly amazed as to how the fish and other wildlife figure out where they want to be.

As I opened the boxes of Tilapia, I found them eager to get busy eating all the FA they wanted.

The water temperature was 65ish degrees and they swam off with vigor!! Some stayed close and others went off exploring their new home.

As we ended our days work, George and I could not help but notice the Purple Martins that now call our farm home. This years crop is better bigger and heartier than last years crop. We now have birds is nearly every net site in the little house and half of the bigger house is also full. I hope next year we have even more.

Next I'll add aeration to georgetopia. I have to see if I go solar or string 300 feet of 120V AC power to the area. This should be interesting.....


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%