Great pictures trialsguy! The picture of your helper is too small, though. Can you put in a larger one?
Hi Joey -
I am worried you may be underaerating your pond if you only use a single disc. The compressor you are purchasing could run 2 single discs, but even then I don't know if that would be adequate. The best thing would be for you to post or send me a map to scale so that I could determine the volume. Then we can determine how many discs/diffusers you need to circulate the volume of your pond atleast one time per day. I think you should consider having a diffuser location in the new section of your pond as well since it is deeper and it is on the other side of an island where it won't benefit from the aeration.
I am glad you are considering electric rather than solar. When you need aeration the most is at night and when you have a few cloudy days.

Sue Cruz
Vertex Water Features