Once you get past the actual cost of a liner, there are several other issues. It must be installed professionally, with proper ditching, seams, no air pockets. Packed with good soils on top, as deep to avoid puncture.
Once you get there, expect management issues. Limited soils, poor quality, lend to water quality problems later. I have worked on a pond north of you, along the Red River. After three years, the landowner had a total kill. Initially, we thought it was due to waste buildup. He siphoned and pumped it empty, installed a bottom water release pipe, and for several years was able to flush nasty bottom water. He refilled by pumping from the Little Wichita River.
Restocked, fish growing well, aeration system installed, he had another fish kill. But, this one had nothing to do with his management, the liner, or soils. Water he pumped from the Little River introduced golden algae.
He's still heartsick, trying to learn about golden algae enough to create a third attempt at a fishery.
For your situation, a liner would be a good choice, but be prepared to add lime and buffer your water from time to time. It's completely doable.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...