Originally Posted By: swamp rehab

It has a 2foot around pipe leading in that brings storm water in.

They tell me I can do whatever I want. Whether it is fill it in or dig it out and the city doesn’t care. But I will also be liable of any flooding.

I would be very careful before doing alterations.

My parents live on lot that is quite similar to yours - there is a half acre or so pond that was originally dug by the developer in a wet area, however there is a creek leading into it, along with stormwater and has an outflow that exits under the street.

As it accepts storm water, it has silted in over the years, but prior to their purchase there was a significant storm event where the outflow pipe was clogged with fallen limbs and the water wound up 2’ deep in their basement, and in the basement of adjacent homes that also share a portion of the pond. Nature has a funny way of biting you in the *** sometimes, and if it can be shown that you had anything to do with causing damage to someone else’s property, you’ll be an easy target for lawyers.

It may well be that the 2’ pipe was engineered to move a specific volume of water from wherever it’s inlet is, and if you block it up, you could very easily cause flooding somewhere else…perhaps not into someone’s home, but a persistent flooding of their yard, or cause a pool on the street and a car hydroplanes and wrecks…

If you dig out the pond, and a neighbor child God forbid falls in….you see where this can go.

About two or three years ago in Atlanta, there was a rain event that flooded local creeks and small rivers, and caused millions in damage to people that didn’t have flood insurance because they never thought they needed it…no one knew the creeks could rise like that….

To Hell with Georgia...