Feeding dogs cooked bird (e.g. chicken) bones is dangerous due to splintering and choking hazards. Dogs are carnivours and they are not cooks. Thus, raw meat is what they are built to eat. Also, they are not built for lots of small meals, but rather large meals followed by nothing (unlike us). One meal a day is fine. We supliment as much as possible with venison. Beware of feeding raw meat from the store. We had a dog get samonella poisoning from a raw soup bone sold as people food. We do not feed any raw meat now unless we harvest it ourselves (deer). We lost 4 large-breed dogs at 14 to 15 years old a number of years back after long healthy lives, and have a German Shepard and Great Pyreneese at 14 years old right now. We attrribute their long healthy lives to a proper diet and excersize, but who knows?