I would start em both over, short term and longterm results would indeed be better and recommendations would be more specific....but if you choose to not start over, the plan is also still simple, but does require more work on your part.

Here is how I would pull it off to achieve your goal---I would pick the pond you want the hybrid striped bass into and I would not remove the smaller bluegill from it, but rather keep the 2-4's and remove the worthless 4-6 inchers.... I would wage war against those 4-6 inchers until you got em all. Also take out all of the smaller catfish from that pond as well. then in the spring simply stock 50 hybrid striped bass fingerlings and feed them aquamax 500 or cargill 4.0 milimeter food. The entire year of 2013 should focus on that plan for the hybrid striped bass pond...just be aware that the hsb will get smart on you if you sit there and catch them all day long when they are young and dumb....

for the other pond if you choose to not start it over, I would stock 50 pellet trained largemouth bass 5-8" or bigger. feed them, but only remove the bluegills 6 inch or bigger for 2013. also remove the catfish.

Get that done and then lets talk about hybrid bluegills and additional game plan for 2014 based on your observations of spending time with the ponds in 2013, but yet still getting closer to your goal...

get fishin, find those fish and dont forget to get those depths as well....